Bam Rattataa...

Monday 30 April 2012


bam raatattataa..
diz sem part 5...
so kna buat research...
4 my topic, i've choose d topic of sport psychology
y d becoz???
i luv psychology actually
mmg bez klo study psal psychology ni especially
klo psal emotion seseorg..sifat2 seorg ke..hehehhe
jgn aku yg ter psycho suda......hahahh

talking about d researh, i've chosen the topic of
d effect of mental training on netball shoot's...
basicly, my research will determine d effect of mental training such a d use of imagery n
self talk in netball..
briefly about d research it's gonna be done in 6 week time
time praktikal plak 2..
ehm, cmna la nk bg msa ni..
nk cri participant lg 2..
i'll need a total amount of 90 people 4 my research..
byak 2...huhuhu..
tempat praktikal pn blum decide lg ni...
hmm..kind a stress dis sem..
dun wory ...b hepy..
n gud luck 4 me 2 do thid research...
gambatee kodasai...;)

boom sakalakaaaa...

Monday 16 April 2012

Kemalasan yang Melanda

semakin hari smakin malaz..
ntah r...sem ni mcm mlaz je nk study...huhuhu
asyk nk blik umah je...
homesick sangat kot..hehhe
kind of boring this sem..
exercise pn mlaz nk buat..
smakin berat la badan ni yg sememangnya sudah berat time cti ari 2..
tp ade 1 thing yg smkin rjin sem ni..
rajin bsuh bju....hahah
klo laz sem, 1mggu 1-2 kli bsuh bju..
tp sem ni, 2 hari skali bsuh bju..
rjin x rjin...ahahhah...

i guess that all 4 dis moment...
x tau nk tlis pa lg..
boom shakalaka...

Friday 13 April 2012

ForEver ALonE

lonely...i'm mrs lonely...
baby i'm so lonely..
eventhough u r here
i'm so lonely..
it's juz a song from my fav girl grup 2NE1...nolza!!!
every1 in this world sure dun want 2 be lonely..
but at some point, there is a time when we need 2 be on our own time..
but, doesn't mean dat we r left out...
or been ignored...sumtime i do feel so...haahahah..;p
it's juz dat we need time on our own 2 reflect on sumting..
or need time 2 make desicion..or juz 4
fun ke lonely ni...tet...hahahah...
peolple may have their own definition of lonely..
but 4 me.. it does not really matter..
d most important thing is we should noe that
there is owez some1 who is really care n luv us..

u can be better by yourself....
dun kick d chair..
it gonna b better...