Bam Rattataa...

Wednesday 28 December 2011

sorry for....

for all of d time that i've tried for ur smile
for making u think that i was worth d while
so ur luv will be mine
for sending ur flower & holding ur hand
that no one was there 2 take a stand
but then luv made us blind
 sorry that i loved u
 sorry that i fell through
 sorry i was falling in luv with u
i'm sorry that it come true
but sorry doesn't turn back time
for all that i have done 2 u
i wish that i could make it right
so sorry that loved u
sorry that i needed u
sorry that i held u tight
i'm so sorry for
making u luv me & saying gudbye
for being d one that taught u how to cry
it was luv & it passed us by
for giving u everything that u dreamed
for taking it back when i fled d scene
sorry luv for wasting ur time
an apology now after all of this time
won't make any difference 2nite
but i'm hoping i'm sorry will open ur mine
2 luv in ur life
sorry that i luv u
sorry that i hurt u....

Anthony N.
wo xihuan ni...
bam ratata tatatatata

Friday 16 December 2011

Bam ratatata tatatata...

Bam ratattata...
oh my god....
i week b4 study week..but dun think that this study week will bcome study will bcome assigment week..klaz ganti week....ok..thankz 2 ol d matter what hapen, appreciate all d knowledge....huhuhu...this week will bcome a very stressful week...hectic week...chaos week...cepat2 r abes sem ni kn...bdan pn dh lemah dh would be nice if my mom was here...ade jgak tmpat bmanja..ok enough with all d stress....juz bear with it with smile..aja aja fighting..chaiyok chaiyok...naega jeil jal laga...

dh nk abes this is d time where student from sabah n s'wak sibuk nk bli tiket belon...some will ready 4 final, n some will sibuk cri tiket flite yg murah..sibuk lh sgt kn..klo lmbat bli, d price may become very expensive..silap2 harga tiket biasa bley sma ngan business class...haa..cmna 2...but 4 matter what d price of d tiket, i will be back home...hahahah..1 lg masalah...cmne nk smpan barang ni...klo smpan kt kolej..kompom r bayar..pastu ckap kolej x bertanggungjawab if anything hapen 2 d barang yg disimpan dlam stor...klo x dibayar, xpe r jgak ckp cm2 kn..huh..nmpak sgt nk duet plajar..igt suma student kaya ke....huhuhu...dh la my sis nk pndah ujung bulan ni, nk x nk kna simpan kt stor kolej r brg2...huhuh..nk bwk blik s'wak, cm immposible la jgak..lain lh klo dh abes study kn...nk mntak tolng cousin kt cni, cm malu la would b nice if my sis x jd pndah...but, ng sik apat...huhuu..;p

it december's cristmas...feliz vavidad...since this cristmas fall on study week, kta enjoy...enjoy la sgt kn..haahhah...sepatutnye dh cti time ni..spe la yg ubah jadual sem sma ngan luar ngara pnye intake..dieowg xpe r..ade 4 seasons, kta????pnas ngan ujan je la yg ade...huhuhu...bpe taun dh x smbut new year ngan family kt about new year celebration,  mknan yg wajib kna ada 4 me is ayam kukus...bkn mkn bnyak pn, juz d drumstik ayam 2 je yg mkn...ahahahah..dh tradisi kt cni pn, hmpir tiap ari belauk kn drumstik ayam...tiap ari jgak la amik steroid...hahaahh..omg...

no matter what life may become..juz face;)



Wednesday 7 December 2011


december suda...1 more months, there will be final exam..this sem seem like everything is out of control...assigment...medical test..outdoor xtvt....yg fitness test ni lh yg agak lemah ni..huhuhu....nma je amik course sport, tp..i have 2 admit that i'm not really involve in sport..ntah r cmna bley msuk sport science ni...huhuhuhu...sib r ade science kt blakang 2..hahaahh...but, overall,this courses quite a fun n gud la bkn nk cter psal course r...omg...

w/pun sem da nk abes, there is so many thing to do...assgments..presentation...hmmm...blum lg test..kuiz...retest..x sabar nk abes sem ni..penat sungguh dowh..klaz start dr pg smpei mlam..bla la education system kt m'sia ni nk btuka..huhuhu...mkn pn x menentu..tido pn mostly kurang dari 6,yg peliknya,w/pun mkan x menentu n sumtime x mkn, brat bdan still jgak naek..ha..cmna 2...e2 yg kta nk tau 2...;p

ni 1 lg problem time nk buat grup assgment....klo ade pilihan mmg xnk r buat assgment grup, since kta hidup kt dunia ni, mne bley hdup sorang2 kn...time keja nnti, mne bley keja sorg kn..bak motto liverpool 'never walk alone'..bdw,i'm not liverpool fan...heeheh...yg mnjadi mslah nya, klo dpt grup member yg mcm shit...ego tingi...selfish je lebih...hipokrit..x profesional...huh...nk kna jga perasaan dia je..what d fish r..!!

but, sumtime i do care..huhhuu...

stress..stress...normal r klo kta stress kn..yg x penah stress 2 lh yg x normal a student, mmg r stress kn..stress ngan persekitaran kt cni..nal jeongmal michigoseo....

no matter what happen..let's jom  NOLZA!!!
bam ratatata..